I absolutely love this product from Nivea as it refreshes my skin but it also feels so clean! As I have really dry skin, it can be hard to find a hydrating face wash that doesn't just dry my face out - especially as we're fast approaching winter. I tend to use it in the shower before I wash my hair as I can just wash it off easily. However, as it is a gel it's very easy to use as a general face wash in the mornings. I bought this product from Superdrug for £3.59 which is pretty cheap for face stuff. I shall definitely be using this all winter!
Nivea refreshing facial wash
I recently went shopping with Louie as he had to get his weekly shop. As he was looking at the range of meats, I wandered over to the tea section and found this lovely box. I've had at least to cups a day in the past week (slightly addicted!). I love cranberry juice and heard it's lovely as tea - M&S came to the rescue! The tea it's quite fruity and refreshing but also very subtle which is rather lovely. Funnily enough it tastes nice hot or cold and is very cheap at only £1. I can't find it online but it would be in most M&S shops.
I've only recently got back into the Arctic Monkeys and what a fabulous time it is! AM is one of my favourite albums this year by far. The album certainly shows how wonderful Alex Turner is. My favourite song definitely has to be 'Do I Wanna Know?' the guitar riff and beat is so good! Arabella is also rather splendid. I would definitely recommend this album to anyone who likes good music!
This book was sort of a hope you feel better present after a really bad week from Louie and it was such a great choice I wondered if he had found my book list. All the reviews I had read compared the writing and story to John Green, so it must be pretty good It's about a boy who went from being popular and have everybody know him to suddenly sitting at the table with people known as 'the misfits'. I haven't quite finished it yet but so far it is wonderful. The book is so wonderfully written and so engaging I can't quite put it down. I would recommend this book to any John Green fans, or fans of chick lit.
Thank you for reading!